We're proud to be a DBS Foundation award grantee

What is the DBS Foundation grant?

The DBS Foundation’s Grant Programme is the DBS flagship initiative to provide financial support to both Social Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in order to promote sustainable business growth and make a positive difference.

Since 2014, the Foundation has allocated more than 13 million SGD in grant funding and has supported more than 100 social enterprises and eight SMEs in achieving sustainable business growth.

How the DBS Foundation helps us to make an impact

The DBS Foundation is a great support for We Are Caring’s market expansion in Hong Kong and beyond. It enables us to grow faster and better serve the communities. As a social enterprise supported by the DBS Foundation, we are grateful for the support received which goes well beyond the grant.

For example, thanks to 'Done in a day', DBS employees brainstormed on ideas and strategies and use their skills to solve real business issues of various social businesses (including ours) for impact in a single day.

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