consent to transfer

Allowing your helper to transfer
Sign the consent online for free

It is free for both you and your helper.

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Sign the consent online

Indicate the helper details, your feedback and the ideal transfer date, so employers know when she is available.

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Helper's profile is published

Your helper will be able to get some interviews with potential employers, and find her next job for free.

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It's a match!

Once she found a job, we double confirm with you the transfer date and the transfer process starts.

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Frequently asked questions

What makes you an ethical employment agency? Is it really free for helpers?

Yes, it is entirely free for helpers: we do not charge placement fee or salary deduction, in Singapore or in the home country.

We Are Caring is the world's first ethical recruitment agency to secure the IRIS certification, the United Nations' International Organisation for Migration initiative to promote ethical recruitment of migrant workers.

We looked at many criterias beyond the pricing model such as transparency, access to remedy, . If you would like to know more about it, you can visit the IRIS certification website:

Is it really free to allow my helper to transfer with We Are Caring?

Yes, it is really free. Once you signed the consent to transfer, your helper will be able to get some interviews with potential employers.During this time, she continues to work as usual for your family until she confirms an employer and the transfer hiring process is completed.

I found a helper on my own, can you handle the hiring process?

Yes, we would be happy to assist you and take care of the entire hiring process on your behalf! Please contact us or book a call so we can explain the process and answer any question you may have.

I found a helper with your mobile app, do I have to use your hiring service?

If you decide to hire a helper found on our platform, you must use our employment agency for the hiring process.

We Are Caring is the leading ethical employment agency in Singapore; you can be sure we will handle the hiring in a seamless way.

Do you provide a refund of the Premium pass?

An employer who purchased a Premium pass typically find the right helper within a few days. If you do not get a good level of engagement, you may contact us; we will be happy to review the situation, identify the potential reason and suggest some adjustments if necessary.

While we do not provide a refund of the Premium pass, if you purchased a Premium pass but found your helper on your own (so you did not make use of the mobile app), we will offer you a $50 discount on the service fee if we handle the hiring.

Is the insurance policy more expensive for helpers above 50 years old?

Insurance companies offer similar level of guarantee for helpers above 50 years old but the premium is higher because medical costs increase with age.For (NTUC) Income insurance, the one-time policy premium for two years of coverage for helpers above 50 years old is $793 instead of $522.

Ready to get started? Download our mobile app for free today